"A penny for your thoughts"....."and Mary treasured these things and pondered them in her heart..."

A simple woman's blog of inconsequential thoughts and deeper meditations of the heart.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Couponing 101

I have a new hobby this year: COUPONING! And when I say hobby, I mean hobby. It's really fun! I get so excited when the list for each week comes out and it feels amazing to walk out of the store having found some great deals. It also feels great because I am helping my family save money.

I knew that one of my friends was a couponer and I was always envious of the deals I knew she was getting, so I asked her to teach me how to do it at the beginning of the year and she did. 

Let me clarify that I am not an extreme couponer. I do not have 345 bottles of shampoo and 234 bars of soap cluttering up my basement. I think that's what most of think of when we think of couponing thanks to "reality" TV. 

My reality is that I buy items when they are on sale, but I buy enough to last us until they go on sale again. And if you buy them with a coupon on top of that, then you get them for as cheap as you possibly can, and you never have to buy them at full price. 

I do have one cabinet that I keep my extra items in if we buy several of something to last until it goes on sale again. 

Because I work, I only shop at two stores, CVS and Ingles. I don't want it to be all consuming. I have found that for our family of 3, I can find almost everything I need at those two stores.

It usually takes me about one to two hours to get ready to go shopping, between comparing what's on sale, finding the right coupons and making my plan for dinner for the week. 

However, I have found that spending two hours getting ready is well worth it, for several reasons. 

1) We never have to "run" to the store at inconvenient times to get anything. We always have extras of what we need. 

2) I have gained a good knowledge of exactly how much of items we use and for how long. When I see things on sale, I know how long they will last our family. I feel that we don't waste as much as we used to. 

3) We currently spend less money then we did before on toiletries, but we have a much larger selection to choose from. There are currently 5 tubes of extra toothpaste in my cabinet (that I got for an average of 50 cents a piece) that we can choose our next flavor from. 

4) I can give items away! I love to contribute to the different drives at church and having the supplies to do that already at the house is exciting. 

5) We are eating more local and seasonal foods. 

And our total savings for this first half of the year.....drumroll please....$945.13!!

I know that couponing is not for everyone and it shouldn't be. As my mama always told me, she buys biscuits because she can't handmake them like Great-Grandma Head did. As women, we should know what our strengths and weaknesses our and what we do well for our families. Because I work in the mornings and have a busy 9-month old and have a smart phone, I can research deals in between classes, or while I am nursing. I don't have as much time to make things or find creative alternatives, but I can coupon shop. 

I'm still learning, and am nowhere close to being an expert, but I am very thankful to my friend for teaching me. And if you ever want someone to walk you through how to get started couponing, I would be happy to :) 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Greening Up the Mountains 5K

On Saturday, I ran my first 5K....ever. Sure, I have run many, many miles in soccer games, but that's a totally different ball game (pun intended). I can run for hours if I am playing a game, and winning is at stake, but for some reason just running, even running races has never appealed to me. However, now that I have pretty much retired from my soccer days for mommyhood, I thought running races is at least more competitive than some other forms of exercise and maybe I could force myself to "get into it". I have wanted to try a race for several years now, but never followed through on running one.

Earlier this year, I told Devan I wanted to run one and she said she would run with me. I'm all about having people to do stuff with so I signed us up and paid our money and we were committed.

Saturday dawned, bleak and gray, and rain lingered in the air. What a great day for a race! Okay, not really... I also did not sleep well because I was nervous. After having Micah, I have been working up to running several miles again, but haven't run 3 miles since he was born.  But I was determined we were going to run anyway. I was not going to back out after coming so close to meeting this personal goal of mine.

Devan and I arrived at Mark Watson Park, got our t-shirts and found our place in the middle of the pack of 93 runners at the starting line. And before we knew it, the race had begun. We took off setting a good pace, but were certainly not competing for first.

All throughout the race, Devan paced me and encouraged me. I thought I would reach a point where I would feel like I couldn't run anymore, but thanks to Zumba and Crossfit, I never did. We ran the whole race in 32:00. We didn't even really get to train and I know we can do better next time. Devan was awesome! She could have run the race probably 5 minutes faster, but she told me we were going to finish together.

Crossing the finish line was a pretty sweet feeling for this mama. I was so proud of us. For me, I accomplished a personal goal that I have had since 2009. And I didn't have to walk at all during the race. I also feel like I am getting back into good shape, which is important to me since having Micah. I have really missed playing soccer and have less enthusiasm for other forms of exercise, but I know I still need to exercise for my physical and mental state, no matter how busy I am, even if its just pushing the stroller, or walking a couple of miles with him in the backpack. Ultimately, I want to teach Micah how to play sports and that exercise is important to keep our bodies healthy.

So I know a 5K is not really a big deal, but I enjoyed it so much that I'm hoping to do more. Maybe it's just the beginning of something new :)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I'm doing rather poorly at blogging lately. I have these really great ideas, but then it takes some time to write them out. It's not like I just sit around though ha ha ha...my lack of blogging is probably due to the fact that my work is getting busier and my child is now crawling very fast and gets into everything! I only have a few wee hours in the morning or at night to blog when he is in bed. He's so much fun though!

So here's some updates. Lately I am...

Enjoying - coffee. I always enjoy my coffee. I am also enjoying Micah hugs. He crawls over, buries his head in my shoulder and then gets back down to play some more. And I enjoyed a whole week with my two favorite guys in Charleston with family.

Reading - I read several ( and by that I mean 5) books while in Dallas for a work trip by Julie Klassen. I like her stuff, somewhat predictable at times, but always with a happy ending. I like happy endings.

Cooking -  Jonathan and I are on a Kale kick....we eat it like three times a week. We are also making these chicken pop-overs that are so good, and anything else that is cheap :)

Wearing - New clothes :) Jonathan and I saved money and went shopping in Charleston and I got lots of pretty teal and coral outfits. I still haven't lost all of my pregnancy weight, and don't think I will until I stop nursing so its nice to have clothes that fit well.

Learning - That I should talk less and listen more. That I don't always have to have a say. That God honors the humble. Proverbs is a good daily read.

Thankful for - my sweet husband and his sense of humor. And our little house. I am so thankful for our little house. I am actually looking forward to spring cleaning it! *shocker* Oh and our group of friends that are all on budgets that we go out with once a month! We have a blast!

Working on - a home binder with all our important documents and papers that often float around the house.  And we are planning to spring clean this weekend.

Hasta luego.....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

La vida


Micah and I have been eating lots of avocado. He LOVES avocado and bananas and sweet potatoes. That means mommy has been eating lots of avocados...bananas... .and sweet potatoes too!

I finished reading the Power and the Glory and the Hobbit. I am still working on Not a Fan in the mornings. Now I am looking for another good fiction book to read at night.

I am praying a lot for several friends and their marriages, friends who need jobs, and the future for Jonathan and I, and praying for absolute faith and trust in God's plan for our lives.

I am loving that little Caeser's has $5 pizzas! Definitely fits into our Dave Ramsey budget when I am too tired to cook on the weekends.... :)

I am back into wanting to organize the house again. I just want everything to have a home. And we really have to keep it clean now, because Micah started CRAWLING on Friday. Eeeek! My baby is growing too fast. He also pulled up on a box yesterday. No big deal, Mom! :/

I am really, really looking forward to spring. It snowed today and I am honestly NOT excited about it, though it's pretty.

I'm dreaming of sunshine, water, swimming, painted toe-nails, picnics and day trips :)

Come on Spring!! 

Monday, February 4, 2013


(Disclaimer: I saw this on another blog and I loved how she did it. I thought it was a great way to catch people up on what you are doing and give little updates. I give full credit of this idea to Ashley Baker and her blog Pencilled Daydream, which is really cool and you should check it out :)

Lately I am....

Wearing - Jonathan's big sweatshirts and cozy sweatpants in the evenings. It's chilly in NC at night. Right now it's his big orange Clemson Sweatshirt and my yoga pants.

Eating - More vegetables! It's crazy, but I ate cabbage for the first time last week and loved it. Today I was also craving tomato soup so I had it for dinner.

Praying for - Several friends who have/had babies coming soon/just came, my small group, and patience with my work while we are still waiting on a director.

Enjoying - Watching Micah eat. He loves to eat. He makes the funniest face with green beans but he still eats them. And I am enjoying watching him learn to crawl. Right now he can only go backwards.

Reading -  Not a Fan with my small group. I would highly recommend it, at least what I have read so far. Finishing The Hobbit, inspired by watching the movie. And the Power and the Glory which is a book Ian bought and said was a favorite of the Harpers. If it's a favorite of the Harpers, I want to read it.

Working on - Couponing! It's my new hobby! I love it! I saved $130 dollars last week.  And I'm making baby food. I am almost out from my last batch so I need to make some more.

Listening to - The Pandora Disney station, because I love singing the songs to Micah, and I'm listening to Seeds Worship Music in the car. It's kid music, but then I have scripture in my head all day.

What are you up to lately?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Book Review: Treasuring God in Our Traditions

I love to read. I mean really, really love to read. It could be my favorite hobby. Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to snuggle away somewhere and read for hours. Of course, I don't remember the last time I did that (oh wait, it was probably in July when I was HUGE and laying around, because I could barely waddle at that point, waiting for my little munchkin to arrive in August), but even with my much more limited time, I still try to read a couple books a month. 

Fiction is my favorite. I love stories. I learn a lot from stories. I love historical fiction, biblical fiction, or well-written modern fiction. I understand why Jesus taught in parables, because I gain wisdom and insight into life and am able to apply them to my life. I learn from others and God really speaks to me through stories. They stay with me and I absolutely get hooked and if they are good enough, I reread them, sometimes once a year or once every couple of years. 

Because I have this love affair with fiction stories, I have realized that I have to make myself read some other books that will challenge me as well. There are some wonderful books that are not fiction that can teach me lessons I want to learn. Usually once I read them, I am so glad I did. I have really enjoyed reading the ones that I have read, but I have to actually choose to read them over other books. Last year, I made it a goal to read 12 non-fiction books, one a month. I think I might have read 3 or 4....

SO this year, I have a new plan. I am going to write book reviews on them. That way, I will be held more accountable to actually read them.  

I have actually already read one for the month of January. It was a sweet little book given to me by my Aunt Jeany for Christmas. It's called, "Treasuring God in our Traditions". 

I would highly recommend this book to any mommies or plan-to-be mommies out there, or aunts or grandmas or cousins....basically anyone who is involved in the lives of children. Piper's thesis is the importance of traditions in our family, and how we can use traditions to point our children to the One who made them and loves them and desires a relationship with them. She highlights different kinds of traditions, every day ones like daily habits, and special ones like birthdays and Christmas. She gives you ideas from their family and other families, but also encourages you to create your own. She also focuses on the importance of traditions and repetition for children, something we adults can forget.  I'm not saying that traditions are going to get you into heaven, and on the flip side some people stay far away from traditions for the sake of legalism, but if you read through the Bible, God is big on traditions. He asks his people whether in word or deed, (think of the child's scripted questions for the passover celebration, or all the people, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Elijah who built alters) to remember Who he is and What he has done for them.  Reading the book made me very thankful for two parents who understood this idea of bringing God into our traditions growing up, and as I sit here writing this I can think of many traditions we did that were special and fun, yet they had a good purpose, to remind us of who God was or to remember his blessings to us. 

It's an easy read, but very inspiring and encouraging that we mommies can do so many little things to teach our babies about their Creator. 

As I was reading, it reminded me of Deuteronomy 11:18-21,

"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds: tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting home. Write them on the doorframe of your houses and on your gates, so that your days may be many in the land that the Lord swore to give your forefathers, as many as the days that the heavens are above the earth".  

Looking forward to creating some traditions for this Parsons family :) 

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Day I Was Too Busy for a Pregnancy Test

A year ago today was a Saturday. Jonathan and I were watching our friends' kids (8, just 7, and just 2). They were on a 10th anniversary trip to New York City. We were keeping them all weekend Friday - Sunday. Jonathan had to work on Saturday and he had somewhere else he had to be, so I was single "parenting"most of the weekend.

I had just finished my internship at Smoky Mountain High School for my TESOL MAT. Friday was my last day. Thursday night I had driven to Asheville and presented my last paper and had a congratulatory dinner hosted by our professor for our graduation.

Friday, I went to my internship, and then picked up the kids from school. In between the snacks, playtime, and naps, two things were occupying my mind...

1. Shew, taking care of three kids is hard. I'm glad you get to ease into this as a mom, starting with one, then two, then three. Triplets would be really hard.

2. Kudos to my friend for doing this every day!

AND the second set of thoughts in my brain....

1. I was tired. Not tired like tired from chasing three kids. Or tired from just finishing graduate school. But more tired than normal. My cooperating teacher had told me that I looked tired a couple times that week, but nothing had changed in my normal schedule.

2. I was hungry. It was the holiday season and I was eating lots of goodies and yet my clothes weren't getting the least bit tight. I felt like they should be, you know the cycle when you start to eat some good holiday food and your jeans get tight and then you think ,"Oh I need to work out,"....wasn't happening. I was really hungry all the time.

3. I was "late". I am never "late". Never have been since I was 12 years old. I am like hormonal clockwork. I was expecting to start by Tues or Wed at the latest and I was now 2 days late.

In the back of my mind, I knew I was pregnant.

I had told Jonathan Wednesday morning that I was waiting but I didn't feel anything, not a cramp or a mood swing. Thursday morning was the same. Friday, I was so busy with the kids that we barely talked about it until that night.

Saturday, Jonathan asked me if I was going to buy a pregnancy test.
I said, "I don't have time to go."
He said, "You are going to wait ALL weekend to take one?"
I said, "Unless you want to buy one, I don't have time."

So my sweet husband went and bought me our first pregnancy test.

I know you are supposed to use them in the morning for the best results, but as there are two in the pack I thought, well if it's negative I can take another in the morning just to check. So I went to use it in the afternoon when the kids were taking a nap and playing the wii.

But I knew already. I felt different. Those three things kept running through my head.

The stick turned blue immediately.

I stared at the stick. There was no question. I was excited. I was nervous. I couldn't believe that I was actually pregnant even though I knew I was.

I went outside and took a picture of the test, because I couldn't get a good picture inside.

Then I very calmly walked the stick upstairs to where Jonathan was playing with their 2-year-old.

I stood in the doorway and watched him play and he looked up at me. I nodded with a big grin on my face.

"You are?" He said.

Yes, I nodded my head.

And then he hugged me. The kind of hug that says way more than words ever could.

It was kind of surreal the rest of the day. We still had the three little kiddos to watch and we took them to Luminaries that night and fed them dinner and gave them baths and played wii...

but as we lay in bed that night, everything was different :)

It just so happens that this friend whose kids we were watching told me in an earlier conversation that one day I would always remember where I was when I took my first positive pregnancy test.

Little did I know it would be her bathroom ;)

We waited a WHOLE WEEK to tell our families because the following Saturday they would all be together for my graduation. It was the longest week of my life!

As I look at my sweet little boy today it's hard to believe it's been a year since I found out about him. It has gone so fast and yet seems like a long time ago at the same time!

I am so thankful for you, Micah Clark!